The physician specialists of the Bone Health Program are world-renowned experts in research and clinical management of osteoporosis and other bone and mineral diseases. They have many years of experience in this specific field of medicine, also functioning as educators to new generations of specialists. They are faculty of Washington University School of Medicine, Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases, and are affiliated with Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

James Avery, MD

James Avery, MD

Associate Professor of Medicine

Roberto Civitelli, MD

Roberto Civitelli, MD

Sydney M. & Stella H. Shoenberg Chair in Medicine

Kathryn Diemer, MD

Kathryn Diemer, MD

Senior Clinical Director of Bone Health Program and Professor of Medicine

Gary Gottesman, MD

Gary Gottesman, MD

Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine

Carolyn Jachna, MD

Carolyn Jachna, MD

Assistant Professor of Medicine

Elvisa Kurtovic, MSN, RN, ANP-BC

Elvisa Kurtovic, MSN, RN, ANP-BC

Nurse Practitioner

Kathleen Lowe, MD

Kathleen Lowe, MD

Instructor in Medicine

Mahshid Mohseni, MD

Mahshid Mohseni, MD

Director, Clinical Research Unit, Co-Director of Clinical Operations and Assistant Professor of Medicine

Director, Clinical Research Unit, Co-Director of Clinical Operations and Assistant Professor of Medicine

Thomas Nickolas, MD, MS

Thomas Nickolas, MD, MS

Chief, Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases

Julie Unk, DNP, ANP

Julie Unk, DNP, ANP

Nurse Practitioner

Naga Yalla, MD

Naga Yalla, MD

Co-Director of Clinical Operations and Associate Professor of Medicine

Co-Director of Clinical Operations and Associate Professor of Medicine