Metabolic bone diseases are caused by genetic abnormalities that may directly or indirectly affect the bone, or by other factors (hormones, tumors, diet, or drugs) that alter bone cell function. These disorders may result in abnormal growth and development of the skeleton and/or the inability to maintain healthy bones. These diseases are rare, many are caused by changes in genes that can be passed on to children of affected adults; others may develop after birth from medical problems that were not inherited. For others, the cause remains unknown.

Proper medical management of these rare conditions requires specialized training and experience. The Bone Health Program offers an Adult Rare Bone Disease clinic, where an experienced specialist can provide personalized care for individuals and families with these disorders across the lifespan.

Visit the links on the menu under Rare Metabolic Bone Diseases or below for more information on a specific disease.

If you cannot find what you are looking for, feel free to contact us; or visit the National Organization for Rare Disorders ( website.

To schedule an appointment or refer a patient, please call 314-454-7775. Offices are open Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

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