
Pre-doctoral trainees
  • Enrollment in a Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences (DBBS) or Biomedical Engineering (BME) graduate program (PhD or MSTP)  – any programs qualifies
  • Commitment to perform graduate work in one SDTP mentor’s lab
  • Scope of graduate work must be in the area of skeletal disorders in the broadest term
  • Current US citizenship, nationality or permanent residency
Post-doctoral trainees
  • Possession of a doctoral level degree (PhD, MD, PharmD, or equivalent)
  • Commitment to full-time research training in the area of skeletal disorders
  • Commitment to perform research work in one SDTP mentor’s lab
  • Previous experience in skeletal biology or related areas advisable but not required
  • Current US citizenship, nationality or permanent residency required

How to Apply

Documents required:
  • Enrollment in one DBBS or BME program (for predoctoral applicants)
  • Support letter from mentor specifically addressing communication skills, technical skills, ability to work in a team, independent thinking, training potential and training plan.
  • Abstract (2 pages maximum) of the project proposed for research training, including a title.
  • Two letters of recommendation from previous mentors or supervisors (for postdoctoral applicants)
  • NIH Biosketch (Predoctoral use F31 format. Precious scholastic performance should not be in the application. Postdoctoral use F32 format.)

Postdoctoral candidates with interest in skeletal research, but who do not have specific laboratory or mentor preference are welcome to submit a letter of interest (2 pages maximum) and curriculum vitae.

After review by the Executive Committee, if the applicant’s qualifications justify further consideration, they will be encouraged to contact certain mentor(s) to further explore opportunities for training and potential enrollment in this program.

Applications will be reviewed by the Steering Committee and appointments will be communicated by the Program Director. Appointments are for up to two years.

Submit your Application

Please submit all required documentation, preferably by email as PDF attachments, to Linda Mudd, SDTP Program Coordinator at lmudd@wustl.edu.

Alternatively, you may submit your application via standard mail to:

Linda Mudd
Washington University School of Medicine
Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases
660 S Euclid Ave, MSC: 8301-04-11
St. Louis, MO 63110