Thomas Nickolas, MD, MS
Chief, Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases
- Phone: 314-454-7775 (Clinic)/ 314-454-8906 (Research)
- Fax: 314-996-3087 (Clinic) / 314-454-5505 (Research)
- Email: thomasn@wustl.edu
Showing: All results

James Avery, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-7775
- Fax: 314-996-3087
- Email: averyj@wustl.edu

Roberto Civitelli, MD
Sydney M. & Stella H. Shoenberg Chair in Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-7775 (Clinic) / 314-454-8906 (Research)
- Fax: 314-996-3087 (Clinic) / 314-454-5505 (Research)
- Email: civitellir@wustl.edu

Kathryn Diemer, MD
Senior Clinical Director of Bone Health Program and Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-7775
- Fax: 314-996-3087
- Email: diemerk@wustl.edu

Gary Gottesman, MD
Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-7775
- Fax: 314-996-3087
- Email: gsgottesman@wustl.edu

Carolyn Jachna, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-7775
- Fax: 314-996-3087
- Email: cmjachna@wustl.edu

Kathleen Lowe, MD
Instructor in Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-7775
- Fax: 314-996-3087
- Email: k.lowe@wustl.edu

Gabriel Mbalaviele, PhD
Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-286-1114
- Fax: 314-454-5047
- Email: gmbalaviele@wustl.edu

Mahshid Mohseni, MD
Director, Clinical Research Unit, Co-Director of Clinical Operations and Assistant Professor of Medicine
- Phone: 314-454-7775
- Fax: 314-996-3087
- Email: mmohseni@wustl.edu
Director, Clinical Research Unit, Co-Director of Clinical Operations and Assistant Professor of Medicine