Events / Experimental Skeletal Biology Journal Club

Experimental Skeletal Biology Journal Club

12:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m.
Conference Room AB, Steven & Susan Lipstein BJC Institute of Health, 425 S. Euclid Ave, 11th Floor, St. Louis, MO 63110

Nick Jacobs

Using deep learning to analyze the compositeness of musculoskeletal aging reveals that spine, hip and knee age at different rates, and are associated with different genetic and non-genetic factors (.pdf)

Le Goallec A, Diai S, Collin S, Vincent T, Patel CJ

medRxiv 2021.06.14.21258896; doi:


Schedule of presenters (.pdf)


This meeting is virtual and in-person. The in-person location is BJC Institute of Health, 11th floor, conference room AB. Virtual is by Zoom. Please email Christina Grantham ( for Zoom meeting information.