Consistent with its mission, the Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases offers in-depth training for both physicians and basic scientists interested in the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of skeletal disorders.
Full time faculty of our division are all skilled educators and experienced mentors, and their breadth of interests and activities offer unique training opportunities for graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, resident physicians, and junior faculty.
The Skeletal Disorders Training Program, an NIH-funded T32 institutional training program, represents the backbone of research training for PhD and MD/PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. Its focus is the molecular mechanisms of skeletal biology and diseases.
Faculty of the Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases participate in clinical education of medical students, residents, and clinical fellows through different mechanisms, including lectures, coursework, seminars, as well as clinical rotations and a newly established Fellowship in Metabolic Skeletal Disorders.
Consistent with its mission, the division encourages clinical trainees to engage in clinical or translational research, compatible with clinical duties. Many clinically active division faculty are members of the SDTP, which can be leveraged to develop clinical research projects in musculoskeletal research.