Steven Mumm, PhD, was promoted to the rank of Professor of Medicine on July 1st, 2020. Dr. Mumm has developed his career almost entirely at Washington University and Shriners Hospitals for Children, where he has been a member of their Scientific Staff since 1998. He was appointed Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Bone and Mineral Diseases in 1999, and promoted to Associate Professor of Medicine in 2008. Dr. Mumm’s research focus is on the genetic bases of human metabolic bone diseases and skeletal dysplasias. Working in close collaboration with Dr. Michael Whyte, a senior member of our division, Dr. Mumm has published extensively during his career on numerous human genetic diseases affecting the skeleton. This unique output by the Whyte-Mumm team has, over the years, tangibly contributed to advance our knowledge of genetically determined bone disorders (in particular hypophosphatasia) and redefined the landscape of rare bone disorders. Indeed, this publication record remains as the foundational knowledge and textbook material for genetic bone disorders. Mumm has been funded continuously since 1999 by the NIH, Shriners Hospitals for Children, the Foundation for Barnes-Jewish Hospital, and industry. He also served as co-investigator in many other projects with Dr. Whyte and other faculty in our division. Underscoring his stature in the genetics of rare skeletal disorders, Dr. Mumm serves in grant review panels for the NIH and other international funding agencies and is a frequent speaker at international meetings. He has contributed to the education of many trainees at all levels, high school and medical students, residents, post-docs, and junior faculty. Thus, in many ways Mumm has tangibly contributed to the research and educational missions of our division and institution, uniquely enriching our scientific environment.