Chun Wang, PhD, was appointed to the rank of Instructor in Medicine, effective January 1, 2022. Dr. Wang obtained her MBBS degree in 2000 at Hengyang Medical College, and PhD degree in Pharmacology in 2009 through a joint program between Central South University Xiangya School of Medicine, China, and the Department of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Cell Biology at Southern Illinois University (SIU) School of Medicine. She was a post-doctoral trainee at SIU School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology from 2009 to 2014, where she studied the effects of nuclear receptors in metabolic disorders and cancer therapy. Wang joined Dr. Gabriel Mbalaviele’s lab as a staff scientist in late 2014 where she has been studying the role of inflammasomes on skeletal development and bone homeostasis. Her major accomplishments include co-authorship on 13 high-quality peer-reviewed papers of which she is 1st author on 7 articles published in prestigious journals, including the Journal of Bone Mineral Research, the Journal of Experimental Medicine, PLOS Biology, and Science Immunology. She has also been instrumental in the uninterrupted NIH/NIAMS funding awards to the Mbalaviele lab. As evidenced by her impressive publication record, Wang is a highly performant, talented, and self-motivated colleague who is on the path to greater achievements.
Chun Wang, PhD, Appointed as Instructor in Medicine.